Free Home safety Checks on small electrical appliances
FREE – Home Safety Checks
Essex County Council Trading Standards along with Essex County Fire and Rescue Service are undertaking home safety checks in the Rochford District area. Rochford District CSP has been awarded funding to run a total of 6 home safety project days in our area for residents meeting specific criteria. Two home safety project days have already taken place with one resident having an iron replaced after it failed a PAT test and another resident having a plug changed on her hair rollers. This service is completely free of charge and is only available for a further 3 dates in March.
To be eligible for a free home safety check you must be aged over 65 years or require additional support due to a learning disability or mental, physical or sensory impairment.
The project involves officers from Essex County Council Trading Standards and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service visiting you in your home at an agreed date and time and PAT testing your small electrical appliances for free. Any appliance/equipment that fails the PAT test and is included in the list below will be repaired or replaced ‘free of charge’. At the same time they provide advice on dealing with cold calling on your doorstep and using the Buy With Confidence Scheme to find reputable traders. Essex Fire Service will provide general fire safety advice such as electrical and kitchen safety, as well as offering guidance on night time routines and a fire action plan. This will include how to summon the Fire Service and how to escape the property should a fire occur. Smoke alarms are also provided and fitted, at no cost to the occupier, if it is deemed necessary.
A general list of the small appliances they will test but not limited to are as follows:-
Kettle Lamps
Microwave Electric blankets
Toaster Radio
Sandwich maker Heater/Fires
Whisk Fans
Blender Hairdryer/Straighteners
Hoover Shredder
Slow cooker Trouser press
They are unable to test large appliances such as fridge freezers, tumble dryers and washing machines.
They can typically visit approximately 8 consumers/residents in a day and therefore pre-booked visits are offered on a first come first served basis. The relevant experts are currently only available in the Rochford area on:
Tuesday 11 March
Wednesday 26 March
Friday 28 March
To book a free Home Safety visit please contact Sophie Manus, Leisure and Community Safety Assistant at or by telephoning